Thursday, July 12, 2012

Ingenious Basterd ? Why ?

I love Photography!

To be sincere, I am not really good in it... but I love it!

It is not the worse addiction you can have, but if you're a compulsive buyer as I am, it can fast cost you arm and leg. And if you believe, as I do (did?) that "the best camera" will give you "the best shots", you will spend a lot of green juice... and most probably finish being disappointed. Your "last generation" Dslr will catch dust on the top of a wardrobe or under your bed and might see some light again during next holidays.

Yep sir, I was exactly in this direction and... and I decided to stop the madness.

Photography is my hobby and it shall be treated as such. I will get better gears when I will deserve them. I don't need to buy a new camera to do better pictures. Actually I am very far of having even an idea of the possibilities of the ones I have. So this is exactly how I shall proceed : the investment in new material shall be determined by an ABSOLUT need. If I am stuck, if there is NO other way (or if it is really cheap :-) then and only then will I buy material. Wow, I even start to speak like Master Yoda...

So, the rules are clear, the game is going to be fun, and that's what it is all about! I will have to use my eyes (at least one) and my fingers (most probably more than one :-) but also my brain... and my gears... and light... Yep, I am sure I will learn a lot... and become a better photographer too. What about a digital Dslr ? Well, we will see when I will bring back my hundred scal- I mean snaps ;-)

I love this game already!

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